How to Shop
Beautifully designed and thoughtfully constructed, our balcony panels elevate both indoor and outdoor spaces. With 3 mounting styles to suit your installation needs, each of our metal balcony panels are designed to meet the needs of your project.
Three panel options to choose from:
Our finished panels can stand alone (no top and bottom rails, trim or grooving of logs required) and mount easily between any two posts.
These panels come complete with built-in metal top and bottom railings, side trim with holes for mounting, and 4″ footings.
All finished panels are 36” in height.
Trimmed panels offer an easier install, while still requiring top and bottom railings. Select the size for your open space between posts and railings, and we will add a 1.5″ x .25″ metal strap all the way around it with holes for easy mounting.
Flat panels offer the fastest turn-around and best price for the savvy builder. Flat panels must be framed in and the panel includes an extra 1” on each side to fit into your grooved posts and rails, or to accommodate quarter-round framing.
It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4.
Select your style
Begin by determining the mounting style you desire: flat, trimmed, or finished. Find more information about each of our panel styles via the explanation below, or visit our shop all page.*
Haven’t started building yet? Check out our Popular Designs for the easiest standard buildout.
Determine your panel height
The size and style of your top and bottom railings (if your design includes them) will determine the panel height necessary to meet residential code requirements. If you select our Finished Panel style, no top and bottom railings are required. Note: By residential code, balcony panels must meet a minimum of 36” height, made up of the gap between your floor or deck surface and lower rail, the thickness of both railings and the panel height between them. Learn more about finding your panel height on our Determining Your Panel Height page.*
Measure the width between your posts
Measure the unique spaces between each set of posts using a measuring tape, and record the quantity and length measurements for each width needed. This will help you accurately determine the number and sizes of panels required to fill those spaces. Creating a checklist of these measurements will make your shopping experience easier.
Create your unique balcony design
Once you have determined the panel style you desire, and the panel height you need, shop by width and design to build out your unique balcony panel design. Enjoy selecting from our abundant and unique designs to assemble a design completely unique to your home.
** PLEASE NOTE ** Building code requirements for balcony railings vary by location for both residential and commercial properties, and it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the final rail installation meets these requirements. For specific details about building codes in your area, please contact your local building inspector.
Ready to start your project?
Enjoy selecting from our abundant and unique designs to assemble a design completely unique to your home.